Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day Two

Wow. Full day.

The students have been adapting well to the CIMI schedule. The sun finally appeared today and it was warmer for the students during our kayak and rock wall extravaganzas. The students are currently sound asleep, eagerly anticipating tomorrow's full schedule.

85 of the students participated in the night dive this evening. The students had a once in a lifetime experience during this activity. They saw many different species at night than they did during the day. After the night dive, the students drank some hot chocolote and warmed up before bed with a nice, earned shower. The students who chose not to participate on the night dive went on a wildly informative Astronomy hike. It is clear that we have astronomy experts on our hands.

The students participated in a Kayak adventure today. The students experienced how tiring kayaking can be. They got to attempt different challenges on the kayaks. The students were out for about an hour on the kayaks and had a blast. For many students, this experience was brand-new for them.

The students also took risk taking to new heights with their rock climbing experience today. Many students surprised themselves with how well they did on the rock wall. It is a wonderful experience to see the students gain confidence and brighten up as they complete some of the challenging walls. All of the walls have great names, ask your child when they get home to talk to you about them!

We had a great lunch with a BBQ on the beach! The students got to have burgers and a salad, while looking out into the wonderful water. They also got to meet the one-legged seagull who inhabits camp.

One of the highlights for all the students today was seeing the bison up close. He stuck around camp for most of the day. The students were eagerly trying to get photos of the bison. They walked past the bison as it was enjoying an afternoon snack. Not to worry, they were at an elevated, safe distance.

This day has been extremely eventful and tiring for students and teachers alike! We will do our best to update tomorrow before the evening, but we are with the students until about 10:00 pm each night!

The students are all happy, healthy, and a little more tan than when we arrived!

Here is to another great day tomorrow!


  1. Sending sincere gratitude to our teachers! The days at CIMI sound amazingly fun & we appreciate this wonderful experience given to the kids. Please also give thanks to the CIMI staff. Love the updates! :)

  2. Unbelievably awesome!! I wish there was a CIMI camp for parents. Thanks so much for the detailed updates. You guys are the best!

  3. Thank you for all the updates. Sounds like the kids are having an amazing time.

  4. What an amazing adventure. Thank you teachers and volunteers for guiding our kids! This will be the highlight of their elementary years!
